The UAHC will provide teaching release for two UARK humanities faculty per academic year to serve as UAHC Fellows. The UAHC will pay the home departments of fellows $10,000 + fringe to buy out teaching to give fellows a semester w/o teaching or a reduction of two courses over the course of the year as agreed upon between the fellow, their chair, and the center. Faculty of all standing are encouraged to apply.
Awardees must acknowledge the UAHC in their research product and provide yearly updates on progress towards publication, distribution, or presentation, as requested by the UAHC.
The UAHC adheres to the definition of humanities as specified by the National Foundation of the Arts and Humanities Act, which defines humanities as including, but not limited to “the study and interpretation of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life.” The National Endowment for the Humanities clarifies that performing and creative arts or empirical social science are not humanities.
Interested parties should provide a proposal for consideration by the selection committee with:
- A narrative of the project of no more than 3 pages (single spaced with font no smaller
than 11-point on standard pages with 1-inch margins) including:
- title and description of the project
- significance and contribution of the project to the field
- organization and/or theoretical framework and concepts engaged
- work plan and intended deliverable with timeline
- qualifications for the project
- A 1-page bibliography
- A curriculum vita
- A report of any previous funding from the UAHC and outputs from that funding.
- UAHC Steering Committee Members are ineligible for this award and must resign from the committee if they wish to pursue it.
The successful candidate will demonstrate the following:
- A well-defined statement of the significance of the project and contribution to humanities
- A clear understanding of the project’s methods and organization
- A feasible work plan with concrete objectives and a track record of good use of funds
The selection committee will also consider balancing opportunities for scholars across disciplines, the probability of funding being pivotal to the completion of a project, service or other workload, and current or previous funding provided by the center or college.
Applications are due yearly on November 1 through the InfoReady system
Proposals will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the UAHC Steering Committee
Please contact the UAHC director or a member of the steering committee for further information.
The UAHC will provide two summer research fellowships of up to $5000 for humanities faculty. These funds are intended for research expenses. Expenses can include travel or materials that conform with university travel and purchase policies. Faculty of all standing are encouraged to apply.
Awardees must acknowledge the UAHC in their research product and provide yearly updates on progress towards publication, distribution, or presentation, as requested by the UAHC.
The UAHC adheres to the definition of humanities as specified by the National Foundation of the Arts and Humanities Act, which defines humanities as including, but not limited to “the study and interpretation of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life.” The National Endowment for the Humanities clarifies that performing and creative arts or empirical social science are not humanities.
Interested parties should provide a proposal for consideration by the selection committee with:
- A narrative of the project of no more than 3 pages (single spaced with font no smaller
than 11-point on standard pages with 1-inch margins) including:
- title and description of the project
- significance and contribution of the project to the field along with organization and/or theoretical framework and concepts engaged
- work plan and intended deliverable with timeline
- qualifications for the project
- A 1-page bibliography
- A curriculum vita
- A detailed budget with statement on current research funds (RIF) and report of any previous funding from the UAHC and outputs from that funding.
- UAHC Steering Committee Members are ineligible for this award and must resign from the committee if they wish to pursue it
The successful candidate will demonstrate the following:
- A well-defined statement of the significance of the project and contribution to humanities
- A clear understanding of the project’s methods and organization
- A feasible work plan with concrete objectives and a track record of good use of funds
The selection committee will also consider balancing opportunities for scholars across disciplines, the probability of funding being pivotal to the completion of a project, service or other workload, and current or previous funding provided by the center or college.
Applications are due yearly on November 1 through the InfoReady system
Proposals will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the UAHC Steering Committee
Please contact the UAHC director or a member of the steering committee for further information.
The UAHC will provide five grants of up to $1000 for publishing subventions for humanities faculty to help with the purchase or preparation of visuals, maps, or graphics for publication, to fund translations, to aid in distribution of research materials, or to serve as matching funds for outside publication or distribution grants (films, podcasts, etc.).
The UAHC adheres to the definition of humanities as specified by the National Foundation of the Arts and Humanities Act, which defines humanities as including, but not limited to “the study and interpretation of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life.” The National Endowment for the Humanities clarifies that performing and creative arts or empirical social science are not humanities.
- Funds must be used w/in 2 years
- Projects should meet the definition of humanities forwarded by the National Foundation of the Arts and Humanities Act and as clarified by the National Endowment for the Humanities
- Awardees will acknowledge UAHC in all publications and provide copies to UAHC
- Faculty of all standing are encouraged to apply
- Indexing costs are not eligible for the grant
Interested parties should provide proposal for the project including:
- A proposal of no more than 500 words including:
- title and a description of the work
- importance or contribution of the work
- a statement on how the funds would be used and current RIF funds
- depending on type of work provide: word count along with image, table, and map count, length of production, number of episodes, or applicable information
- timeline for production of the work
- report of current research funding (RIF) and any previous funding from the UAHC and outputs from that funding.
- A current curriculum vita
- A statement, email, or contract from the publisher, distributor, or producer regarding the need of/use of funds
Applications are due yearly on November 1 through the InfoReady system
Proposals will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the UAHC Steering Committee. UAHC Steering Committee Members are eligible for this award but cannot serve on the sub-committee.
Please contact the UAHC director or a member of the steering committee for further information.
The UAHC seeks applications for larger, humanities-focused, community-based events (University and regional) for grants of up to $2500. These events should include humanities and interdisciplinary content, focus on outreach to a broad constituency, and include multiple streams of publicity (internal/external/online/print/radio/podcasts).
- Preference will be for events that engage the larger public.
- Funds must be used w/in 2 years.
- Awardees will acknowledge the UAHC in all publicity.
- Faculty of all standing are encouraged to apply.
Interested parties should provide a proposal that includes:
- A description of no more than 500 words including
- title for the event
- participants
- intended venue
- intended audience
- publicity plan with targets and timeline (please see Fulbright guidelines)
- A detailed budget for all aspects of the event with a report of any previous funding from the UAHC and outputs from that funding.
- A current curriculum vita for organizer(s)
Applications are due yearly on November 1 through the InfoReady system
Proposals will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the UAHC Steering Committee. UAHC Steering Committee Members are eligible for this award but cannot serve on the sub-committee.
Please contact the UAHC director or a member of the steering committee for further information.
The University of Arkansas Humanities Center has a budget of $3000 per semester to offers co-sponsorships for workshops, talks, and events. Events must be related to humanities research.
According to the 1965 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act, “The term 'humanities' includes, but is not limited to, the study and interpretation of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life.”
Priority will be given to support events that cross disciplinary constituencies, serve across communities of students, faculty, and the region, and promote the core research mission of the center.
Requests for up to $500 can be made by emailing the following information to
- title for the event
- participants
- intended venue
- intended audience
- publicity plan with targets and timeline (please see Fulbright guidelines)
- A budget for the event.
- A current curriculum vita for organizer(s) and/or hosted speaker
- UAHC Steering Committee Members are eligible for this award but cannot serve on the sub-committee.
The UAHC does not have staff. Organization of events, including securing space, travel provisions, catering, and publicity, are the responsibility of event organizers.
The UAHC cannot transfer funds to a RIF account but can reimburse for expenses after an event with presentation of approved receipts.
When available, the University of Arkansas Humanities Center will pledge matching funds of up to $5000 for external grants or conference sponsorships. Grants and events must be related to humanities research.
According to the 1965 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act, “The term 'humanities' includes, but is not limited to, the study and interpretation of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life.”
Requests can be made by emailing the following information to
- title for the grant or event
- participants
- proposed dates for submission of grant or conference event
- copy of grant proposal or conference program with statement of humanities content
- budget for grant or event and requested funds
- a current curriculum vita for organizer(s) and/or hosted speaker
- UAHC Steering Committee Members are eligible for this award but cannot serve on the sub-committee.
The materials will be circulated to the UAHC steering committee for evaluation and approval on an ad hoc basis as funds are available.
9 applications for 2 fellows ($10,000 + fringe teaching buy-out). 14 applications for 2 summer research fellowships ($5000/each). 5 applicants for 5 subventions of $1000/each. 5 applicants for 2 outreach grants of $2500/each.
Kelly Hammond – HIST
Book Project: Wearing Many Hats: Chinese Muslim General Bai Chongxi (1893-1966)
Jennifer Hoyer - WLLC
Book Project: German Lyrical Mathematics: How the Neurodiversity Paradigm Can Help Us Think Differently
Summer Research Fellows
Mary Beth Long – ENGL
Book Project: A Trewe Reporte of the Life and Marterdome of Mrs Mararete Clitherowe
Daniela D’Eugenio - WLLC
Book Project: Early Modern Calligraphic Communities: Circulation and Exchange in Italy and the Early Modern World
Janet Allured – HIST
Book Project: Southern Methodist Women and Social Justice: Interracial Activism in the Long Twentieth Century
Todd Cleveland - HIST
Book Project: Accessible Africa: Teaching and Learning about an Unfamiliar Past
Lisa Corrigan - COMM
Book Project: Intimacy Regimes: Race, Sex, and Surveillance at Midcentury
Terrell Dionne – COMM
Article:“In the Spirit of ?Atatiće?: Telling Decolonial Allotment Stories amid Pending
Kelly Hammond - HIST
Article: "Wearing Many Hats: Chinese Muslim General Bai Chongxi (1893-1966)"
Laurence Hare - HIST
Public Program: “The Mathematical Imagination: On the Origins and Promise of Critical Theory.”
Joshua Smith - ENGL
Keynote addresses for the 2025 Annual Conference of the Celtic Studies Association of North America, which will take place at the University of Arkansas April 3-5.
5 faculty were awarded publishing subvention grants ($1000/each) and four received consultant grants ($1000/each). Two outreach grants of $2500 each were awarded.
Thomas Adams, PLSC INST
Book Project: Philanthropy, Civil Society, and the State in German History, 1815-1989
Todd Cleveland HIST
Book Project: Africa and the Olympic Games
Ryan Calabretta Sajder WLLC
Book Project: Beyond the Margin or Within the Canon: The Novels of Amara Lakhous
Ruby Ray Daly HIST
Book Project: “Voluptuous Cruelty”: Sex and Violence in Modern Britain
Brian McGowan HIST
Book Project: “Man’s Greatest Threat to Man”: Grambling State University and White Supremacy
Consultant Funds
Ryan Calabretta Sajder WLLC
Book Project: Beyond the Margin or Within the Canon: The Novels of Amara Lakhous
Todd Cleveland HIST
Book Project: The Airport that Transformed a Nation: Tourism, Decolonization, and the Cold War in the Seychelles, 1958-1981
Justin Gage HIST
Book Project: Writing to Resist: Native Activism through Correspondence, 1870-1900
Jared Phillips HIST
Book Project: Mountain Waters: Agriculture, Environmentalism, and the Future of Community in the Ozarks
Outreach Funds
Ryan Calabretta Sajder WLLC
Keynote Address: “Italian American Studies Association Conference Meets the Italians of Arkansas”
Leigh Pryor Sparks ENGL
Public Program: “Visit to Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas by Keri Blakinger”
Awarded 4 summer research awards (2 awards of $5000 were split by 4) and 3 subventions of $1000 each were awarded.
Professor Shawn Austin, HIST
Book Project: Guarani Means War
Professor Freddy Dominguez, HIST
Book project: Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza
Professor Lynda Jones, WLLC
French National Archives for Book project
Professor Jared Phillips, INST
Book Project: Five Rivers
Professor Brett Sterling, WLLC
Book Project: German comic books project
Professor Erika M. Almenara-Avalos, WLLC
Book event for Language of In-between
Professor Laurence Hare – HIST, INST
Podcast: Points of Departure
Professor Valandra – AAST, SCWK
Article: Washington country remembrance project
4 subventions and 3 consultant grants of $1000/each were awarded along with 2 $2500 outreach grants.
Professor Todd Cleveland HIST
Book Project: Mobilities: African Labor, Social ascension, and Tourism in Colonial Mozambique, c. 1890-1975
Professor Yajaira M. Padilla, ENGL
Book Project: From Threatening Guerillas to Forever Illegals: U.S. Central Americans and the Politics of Non-belonging
Professor Fernando Riva, WLLC
Book Project: The Development of Magic in the Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages
Professor Richard Sonn, HIST
Book Project: Modernist Diaspora: Immigrant Jewish Artists in Paris, 1900-1945
Consultant Funds
Professor Erika M. Almenara-Avalos, WLLC
Book project: The Language of the In-Between: Travestis, Post-hegemony, and Writing in Contemporary Chile and Peru.
Professor Rachel ten Haaf, WLLC
Book project: The Architecture of Cinematic Dissent: Critical realism and film on the Iberian Peninsula
Professors Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, Kathleen Condray and Linda Jones, WLLC
Grant Application: "Mapping Unheard Migrant Voices in Arkansas"
Professor Bryan Hurt, ENGL
Public Program: 2 live-reading events
Professor Valandra, SCWK AAST
Public Program: Launch of Washington County Community Remembrance Project.
17 applications for nine grants in the “Confronting Our Past/ Interrogating Our Present” competition. The expanded competition had 7 applicants and awarded 4 grants. Subventions had 1 applicant.
Faculty Recipients
Professors T. Jake Dionne and Joe Hatfield COMM
Article: “#BlackatUARK: Public Memories of Anti-Black Racism on Campus.”
Professor Brittany N. Hearne SCWK and AAST
Article: "Social distancing practices in the region on feelings of community and their effects for mental health during the COVID-19 crisis."
Assistant Professor Manuel Olmedo Gobante WLLC
Book Project: Translation and critical edition of a seventeenth century play by Andrés de Claramonte (c. 1580-1626) -- The Valiant Black Man in Flanders.
Professor Valandra SCWK and AAST
Article: “Structural Racism and Black Place Making: An Arkansas Story Rooted in a Legacy of Transgenerational Family Resilience.”
Professors Valandra and Caree Banton, AAST, SCWK, HIST
Research project: Washington County Community Remembrance Project
Graduate Student Research Grant Recipients
Neba Evans – MA Student JOUR
Article: “A Song of the Bluff” – Pine Bluff AR
Guillermo Pupo Pernet COMP LIT
Article: “Whiteness in the early 18c Louisiana and Orinoco,” 1670-1770
Graduate Student Awardees
Michael Anthony, PhD Student HIST,
Article: "The Catcher Race Riot of 1923"
Whitney King, MA JOUR,
Article: “Groundbreakers and Path Makers”
Undergraduate Awardees
Erica Tempesta COHEP
Research Project: "Ethics education among nursing students and racial disparities in health care provision."
Daniel Webster SOCI, PSYCH, CRIM
Research Project: "How race and gender shape how students view and interact with the college environment."
Research and Curriculum Grants Awardees
Professors Colleen Thurston JOUR, ARTED
Research Project: “Advancing Intersectional Racial Justice at a Predominantly White Institution through Interdisciplinary Dialogues and the Formation of Learning Communities”
Professor John Walch THEATR
Public Program: “Hip-Hop Theater: History, Critique, Practice, and Performance.”